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by Matthew Bayan

There's No THERE There.

There's no THERE there. How to engage readers with active verbs.

Whenever you see "there" you usually have a passive verb. Except when "there" is a place, as in "over there." Word search for "there" and you can cut a lot of passive verbs and make your writing more engaging for readers.

Example 1: There are storm clouds on the horizon.

This sentence doesn’t convey much.

Example 2: Storm clouds loom on the horizon.

Better? Sense of foreboding?

Example 3: Black storm clouds boil over the horizon.

Compare Example 3 to Example 1.

Which is stronger? Why? Which is active rather than passive? Which one is easier for a reader to visualize?

‘Nuff said.

And please check out my latest novel which Sci-Fi legend, A.C. Crispin, called "a mindblowing fantasy thriller."

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